różni kompozytorzy

Opera baroque (39CD+3DVD)

pełny spis kompozytorów
Telemann, Georg Philipp;
Scarlatti, Alessandro;
Rameau, Jean-Philippe;
Monteverdi, Claudio;
Campra, André;
Handel, George Frideric;
Lully, Jean-Baptiste;
Graun, Carl Heinrich;
Blow, John;
Keiser, Reinhard;
Cavalli, Francesco;
Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich;
Schürmann, Georg Caspar
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin;
Visse, Dominique;
Ensemble 415;
Concerto Köln;
Genaux, Vivica;
Les Arts Florissants;
Christie, William;
Concerto Vocale;
Jacobs, René;
Fink, Bernarda;
Kiehr, Maria Cristina;
Güra, Werner;
Scholl, Andreas;
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment;
Röschmann, Dorothea
nr katalogowy
HMX 2908658.99
Nakład wyprzedany, ostatni egzemplarz

This luxurious set containing 39 CDs, 3 DVDs, 1 CD-Rom and four detailed booklets will tell you the full story of Baroque opera in Italy, France, England and Germany. No fewer than 17 complete operas (including two on DVD) and two supplementary CDs (the dawn of opera, Overtures for the Hamburg Opera) provide the most comprehensive overview of the genre ever attempted! The finest performers are assembled here under the direction of René Jacobs and William Christie to offer you 47 hours of music. An opportunity to discover or to hear again the masterpieces of Baroque opera, some of which have been unavailable on CD for many years. The set contains the following operas and works: Blow: Venus and Adonis, Campra: Idoménée, Cavalli: La Calisto, Charpentier: Médée and Le Malade imaginaire, Erlebach: Overture No. 4, Graun:Cleopatra & Cesare, Handel: Rinaldo, Flavio and Giulio Cesare in Egitto, Keiser: Croesus and La Ridicule Prince Jodelet Sinfonia, Lully: Atys, Monteverdi: L'Orfeo, L'Incoronazione di Poppea and Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Rameau:Les Indes Galante, Rore: Ancor che co'l partire, Scarlatti: La Griselda, Schieferdecker: Premiere Concert musicaux, Schurmann: Suite Ludovicus Paris, Telemann: Orpheus and Vecchi: L'Amfiparnaso.


• Monteverdi: L'incoronazione di Poppea (Rene Jacobs / 1989)
• Cavalli: La Calisto (Rene Jacobs / 1994)
• Scarlatti: Griselda (Rene Jacos / 2003)
• Lully: Atys (William Christie / 1986)
• Charpentier: Medee (William Christie / 1984)
•Charpentier:Le Malade imaginaire (William Christie / 1990)
• Campra: Idomenee (William Christie / 1991)
• Rameau: Les Indes Galantes (William Christie / 1991)
• Blow: Venus and Adonis (Rene Jacobs / 1998)
• Händel: Rinaldo (Rene Jacobs / 2002);Flavio (Rene Jacobs / 1989)
• Keiser: Croesus (Rene Jacobs / 1999)
• Telemann: Orpheus (Rene Jacobs / 1996)
• Graun: Cleopatra e Cesare (Rene Jacobs / 1995)
• Ouvertüren für die Hamburger Oper - Schürmann: Suite "Ludovicus Pius";Erlebach: Ouvertüre Nr. 4; Keiser: Le Ridicule Prince Jodelet; Händel: Almira-Tanzsuite; Schieferdecker: Concerts Musicaux (Concert Nr. 1) ((Rene Jacobs / 2004)
• DVD Monteverdi: L'Orfeo (Rene Jacobs)
• 2DVD Händel: Giulio Cesare (Rene Jacobs)
CD x 39
DVD x 3
Muzyka klasyczna
Harmonia Mundi
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Opera baroque (39CD+3DVD)

(Produkt nie został jeszcze oceniony)

cena 999,00


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Klienci, którzy kupili ten produkt, kupili również

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Brahms, Johannes

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Tchaikovsky, Piotr

TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphony No. 1


Debussy, Claude

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Gordon, Geoffrey

Mythologies and Mad Songs

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Bartok, Bela

BARTOK: Violin Sonatas Nos. 1 & 2


Beethoven, Ludwig van

Musical Journey – Berlin


Raphaël Faÿs: Extremadura


Bartok, Bela, Enescu, George

Rhapsodie Roumaine - Enescu & Bartók

SM 277

Isasi, Andres

ISASI: String Quartets Nos. 3 & 4


Pozostałe płyty tego kompozytora

Monteverdi, Claudio

Monteverdi: Madrigali Libri I - IX


Telemann, Georg Philipp

Telemann: Quatuors Parisiens

Alpha 299

Handel, George Frideric

WYCOFANY Handel: Organ Concertos (Complete )


różni kompozytorzy

Laborde ,Petrini, Rameau, Forqueray: Utwory na harfę

EVCD 008

Telemann, Georg Philipp

Telemann: Trios & Quartets

CPO 777 441-2

różni kompozytorzy

WYCOFANY La Barcha d’Amore 1563-1685

AV 9811

różni kompozytorzy

Les Grandes Eaux Musicales – Charpentier, Lully, Royer, Leclair, Campra ,Rameau

Alpha 959

Rameau, Jean-Philippe

RAMEAU: Harpsichord Music Vol. 2


różni kompozytorzy

WYCOFANY Passio: Music for Holy Week & Easter


Telemann, Georg Philipp, Graupner, Christoph, Bach, Johann Sebastian

Leipzig 1723 - Telemann - Graupner - Bach

ACC 30598

różni kompozytorzy



Rameau, Jean-Philippe

Rameau: Castor & Pollux - fragmenty

HMA 1951501

Handel, George Frideric

Handel: Queens - Opera Arias

GCD 922904

Telemann, Georg Philipp

Telemann: Complete Violin Concertos Vol. 6

CPO 777701

różni kompozytorzy, Pisendel, Johann Georg, Telemann, Georg Philipp

Treasures of the German Baroque - Telemann Pisendel Schaffrath …

AMY 305

Pozostałe płyty tego wykonawcy

Tchaikovsky, Piotr

Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin

OA 1120D

Donizetti, Gaetano

Donizetti ; : La Fille du Régiment

DVD OA F4025 D

Verdi, Giuseppe

Verdi: I Due Foscari / Teatro Regio di Parma

DVD 721008

Krenek, Ernst

Krenek: Chamber Music and Songs Vol. 1

TOCC 0295

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Mozart: Requiem

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Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Mozart Edition 2006

HMX 2968162

Weill, Kurt

WYCOFANY Weill: Street Scene

DVD 100098

Lully, Jean-Baptiste

Lully: Psyché, Tragédie en Musique

CPO 777367

Britten, Benjamin

Britten: Death in Venice


Lasso, Orlando di

Lassus: Lagrime di San Pietro

HMA 1951483

Tchaikovsky, Piotr

Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker

DVD 718304

Rameau, Jean-Philippe

Rameau: Dardanus (L’Opéra Royal du Château de Versailles)

Alpha 951

Verdi, Giuseppe

Verdi: I Lombardi / Teatro Regio di Parma

DVD 720608

Charpentier, Marc-Antoine

Charpentier: Acteon

HMA 1951095

Haydn, Joseph

Haydn: Symphonies nos. 91 & 92 Scena di Berenice

HMA 1951849