Mahler, Gustav

Mahler: Symphony No. 6

Luisi, Fabio;
Wiener Symphoniker
nr katalogowy
WS 003
Another Mahler symphony on this orchestra's own label is as good as as Fabio Luisi's recent account of No 1. The selling point for many will be this orchestra's idiomatic, old-world sound, with rotary valved trumpets and Vienna horns giving the brass playing a degree of warmth that's missing from punchier, more aggressive accounts. The strings are never drowned out the first movement's Alma theme is radiant, and the idyllic central reverie's woodwind and horn solos are cushioned on a bed of seductive shimmering chords. Luisi recognises that this work s downbeat emotional trajectory is made more effective with plenty of light and shade. Here, the first movement's upbeat close makes it possible for me to accept that Mahler's Andante might indeed sound better when ordered second. I remain undecided, but this is an affectionate, lyrical reading of a slow movement which needn t descend into maudlin gloop. Luisi's Scherzo is bright but frantic, the fierceness just kept in check. The vast final movement is well-managed. This work's best interpreters can keep you guessing, hanging on in case there's a change of plan and things end happily, and Luisi walks the tightrope with confidence. The closing trombone and tuba chorale is beautifully done, the unison horns octave descent like a dying breath. Wonderful stuff, in other words. The strange, murky sleeve art is reminiscent of the vortex into which James Stewart dives in the opening credits to Vertigo. Rich, fruity recorded sound • The Artdesk,11/05/13
CD x 2
Muzyka klasyczna
Wiener Symphoniker
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Mahler: Symphony No. 6

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