Richafort: Missa O Genitrix; Missa Veni Sponsa Christi
Cappella Mariana;
Semerád, Vojtěch
nr katalogowy
MEW 2308
Jean Richafort was thrust into the limelight by the success of his works, a fine reputation and his encounters with powerful figures such as Louis XII, Anne de Bretagne and François Ier. However, he remains mysterious regarding his origins and his professional choices. His works circulate widely, are copied and quickly disseminated: no fewer than 200 sources, both printed and handwritten, contribute to his fame. Moreover, his compositions are so appreciated that they inspire new works by leading composers from Mouton to Palestrina. The corpus of Jean Richafort's works consists of three masses, around thirty motets and about fifteen songs. Discover, in this recording, the composer's Missa O Genetrix and Missa Veni Sponsa Christi performed by the Cappella Mariana.
•Compère: O genitrix gloriosa •Richafort: Veni, Sponsa Christi
Napisz recenzję dla: Richafort: Missa O Genitrix; Missa Veni Sponsa Christi
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Richafort, Jean
Richafort: Missa O Genitrix; Missa Veni Sponsa Christi
1 szt
79,00 zł
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