Monteverdi, Claudio

Monteverdi: Messa et Salmi

Le Nuove Musiche;
Koetsveld, Krijn
nr katalogowy
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) composed two groundbreaking masses that showcase his innovative approach to sacred music. "Missa in illo tempore" and "Messa a 4 da cappella" reflect the transitional period between Renaissance and Baroque styles. Monteverdi skillfully combined traditional polyphony with expressive harmonies and bold contrasts, foreshadowing the dramatic tendencies of the Baroque era. The masses exhibit a profound spirituality, with moments of serene beauty and fervent intensity. Monteverdi's ingenious use of vocal and instrumental colors, coupled with his daring harmonic progressions, solidifies his reputation as a musical pioneer whose work paved the way for the Baroque grandeur to come.

With this new recording Le Nuove Musiche conducted by Krijn Koetsveld presents a new highlight in their Monteverdi Pilgrimage, the projected recording of the complete works by Monteverdi. Their recording of the complete Madrigals received excellent reviews in the international press: “5 stars” (Volkskrant), “A polished, well-balanced sound… consistently musical and intelligent” (Early Music), “Again a convincing issue…excellent throughout” (Klassik.com), “Performance: 10. …an incredibly beautiful, excellent recording...”(Dutch magazine Luister).

"Le Nuove Musiche easily withstands the comparison with most renowned ensembles in this particular repertoire. We hear it all: great singing talent, strong imagination, pure textual fidelity and diction, sharp-edged articulation in addition to a smooth phrasing, the ever-rhythmic rhythm with its striking stakes and that perfect sense of balance.” (Opus Klassiek).


• Monteverdi: Beatus vir (from Selva Morale e Spirituali)
• Monteverdi: Confitebor Primo
• Monteverdi: Confitebor tibi Domine II, SV194
• Monteverdi: Dixit [Dominus] Primo
• Monteverdi: Dixit Dominus II
• Laetaniae della Beata Vergine a 6 voci
• Monteverdi: Laetatus sum
• Monteverdi: Laetatus sum I - S S T T B B soli, choir
• Monteverdi: Lauda Jerusalem a 3, SV202
• Monteverdi: Lauda Jerusalem a 5, SV203
• Laudate Dominum omnes gentes
• Monteverdi: Laudate pueri
• Monteverdi: Magnificat Primo
• Monteverdi: Mass for 4 Voices, SV 190 (1651)
• Monteverdi: Missa 'In illo tempore' (1610)
• Monteverdi: Nisi Dominus a 6, SV201
• Monteverdi: Nisi Dominus I à 3 voci & duoi violini
CD x 2
Muzyka klasyczna
Brilliant Classics
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Monteverdi: Messa et Salmi

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cena 64,00


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