Mohrheim, Friedrich Christian

Mohrheim: Cantatas & Arias - Musica Baltica Vol. 10

Goldberg Baroque Ensemble;
Szadejko, Andrzej
nr katalogowy
MDG 902 2254-6
Friedrich Christian Samuel Mohrheim was educated by the old Bach. The later Kapellmeister at St. Mary's Church in Gdansk combines the solid craftsmanship he received from the great Thomaskantor with the elegantly light tone of his time to great advantage. In the tenth installment of "Musica Baltica", Andrzej Szadejko and his Goldberg Baroque Ensemble again present world premiere recordings, including cantatas from Mohrheim's oeuvre, yet another highlight in this series rich in surprising highlights.
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Mohrheim: Cantatas & Arias - Musica Baltica Vol. 10

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