różni kompozytorzy

The organ tradition of Apulia-Naples from Renaissance to Baroque

pełny spis kompozytorów
Scarlatti, Alessandro;
Porpora, Nicola Antonio;
Leo, Leonardo;
Paisiello, Giovanni;
Jommelli, Niccolò;
Fenaroli, Fedele;
Greco, Gaetano;
Logroscino, Nicola Bonifacio
Sciddurlo. Margherita
nr katalogowy
TC 670004
This anthology presented by the organist Margherita Sciddurlo is performed on the precious historical instrument: the Petrus De’ Simone 1747 organ of the Church of San'Antonio in Mola di Bari, fully preserved and in excellent condition. The organ in question becomes the medium to reviving a cross-section of the Apulian organ tradition whose roots are deeply connected to themusical activity of the Kingdomof Naples since the 16th century, when thousands of young talents came to the capital to undertake musical studies that ensured them a secure career. Puglia turned out to be a privileged territory where one could later exercise the profession, sponsored by the numerous feudal lords or by churches, musical chapels and convents. From Rocco Rodio from Bari to Giovanni Paisiello from Taranto, through to Nicola Porpora and Niccolò Jommelli, famous allover Europe thanks to bright careers abroad. The collection presented byMargherita Sciddurlo represents a pleasant organ cameo which also includes some world premiere recordings.
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The organ tradition of Apulia-Naples from Renaissance to Baroque

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