Kerll, Johann Caspar

Kerll: Complete Harpsichord and Organ Music

Messori, Matteo
nr katalogowy
Johann Caspar Kerll (1627-1693) was born in Saxony, where his father was a Lutheran organist. His musical talent was discovered at an early age and he went to Vienna to study with Giovanni Valentini, the court Kapellmeister. After serving as an organist at the court of the Archbishop of Brussels he went to Rome, to study the works of the great Italians. Here he met Froberger and Carissimi, from whom he learned the new Italian vocal and instrumental styles. Ultimately he settled at the court in Munich, where he stayed till his death, a famous composer, performer and teacher.

Kerll’s complete keyboard works include Toccatas, Suites and instrumental settings of the Magnificat, both for harpsichord and organ. The Toccatas are clearly modelled on those by Frescobaldi, but make even greater demand on the technical ability and virtuosity of the performer, in their rapid scales and instrumental brilliance in free passages, whereas the harmonic language often is coloured by unusual chromatism.

Matteo Messori is one of the leading Baroque keyboard players of Europe; his previous recordings for Brilliant Classics (Kunst der Fuge, BC 94061 and Clavierübung, BC 94201) have been awarded 5 star reviews in international classical magazines (Fono Forum: “…entered the top league of European Bach interpreters”). His Schütz edition (BC 94361) is a recorded landmark for that still neglected master.
CD x 3
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Brilliant Classics
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Kerll: Complete Harpsichord and Organ Music

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