Meder, Johann Valentin

Meder: Sacred Music - Musica Baltica Vol. 7

Goldberg Baroque Ensemble;
Szadejko, Andrzej
nr katalogowy
MDG 902 2192-6
It must have been splendid when the Council was newly elected in Gdansk. Music was played on all organs in St. Mary's Church, and the responsible Kapellmeister had to deliver festive multi-choral works for the occasion. Andrzej Szadejko and his Goldberg Baroque Ensemble convey a fascinating impression of this baroque practice in a spectacular first recording: the Super Audio CD presents works by Johann Valentin Meder (1649 – 1719), who was Kapellmeister at St. Mary's until 1698, including motets with up to three choirs.
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Meder: Sacred Music - Musica Baltica Vol. 7

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