Telemann, Georg Philipp

Telemann: Wind Concertos Vol. 1

La Stagione Frankfurt;
Camerata Köln;
Schneider, Michael
nr katalogowy
CPO 777032
Georg Philipp Telemann wrote instrumental concertos for all common and less common wind instruments of his era: for oboe and oboe d'amore, for transverse flute (recorder) and flauto pastorale, for trumpet and horn, for chalumeau and bassoon - solo concertos as well as double concertos. Since he could play almost all these instruments himself ("probably knew how to tractiren"), he wrote extremely idiomatic parts that flatter the instrument as much as they spontaneously make sense to the player: Telemann's instrumental voices are suitable, if you like, for something natural. In any case, a cosmos of joy and fantasy in the Italian, French, German and Polish style opens up again, which is unparalleled, and that is why cpo is looking forward to the adventure of a complete recording of all Telemann brass concerts with La Stagione and Camerata Köln.
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Telemann: Wind Concertos Vol. 1

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