"Gregorio Paniagua and his original-instrument ensemble present a bizarre program based on the ancient tune known as the 'Spanish Follies' and intended to illustrate the 'folly' or madness that has been said to tinge Spanish culture. Mad it is, with a vengeance. Among the original instruments sounding off here are automobiles, pistols, and birds." • - The Absolute Sound
Fons vitae - Dementia praecox angelorum - Supra solfamirevt
• Extravagans - Laurea minima
• Oratio pro-Folia - Fama volat - Citrus-Hesperodes
• Principalis, Fermescens - Indica exacta - Adverso flumine
• Parsimonia aristocraciae
• Subtilis - De profundis - Extra muros
• Vulgaris - Sine populi notione - Vagula et blandula
• Nordica et desolata - Aurea modiocritas
• Nobilissima - Degradans et corruptae
• De pastoribus - Mathematica dies irae - Crepuscularis - Sine nomine - Tristis est anima mea -...
• Theatralis et hipocritae - Ruralis - Alter indica perfecta
• De tolerentia artherea - Fuga ficta et carrus triumphalis